
Potassium Chloride - The Essential Salt for Industrial and Pharmaceutical Applications

Potassium Chloride is an essential salt that is widely used in industrial and pharmaceutical applications. It is known for its ability to neutralize acids, regulate fluid balance, and as a source of potassium, a key nutrient for human health.

Potassium Chloride is a colorless, crystalline salt that is widely used in industrial and pharmaceutical applications. It is known for its ability to neutralize acids and regulate fluid balance, making it a valuable ingredient in various products.

In the industrial sector, potassium chloride is used as a substitute for sodium chloride (table salt) in some applications, as it provides a lower sodium alternative. It is also used as a source of potassium, an essential nutrient, in fertilizers and animal feed.

In the pharmaceutical industry, potassium chloride is commonly used as an electrolyte replenisher to regulate fluid balance in the body. It is also used as a dietary supplement, as potassium is a key nutrient that is essential for proper heart, muscle, and nerve function.

Technical Data

Chemical FormulaKCl
CAS Number7447-40-7
Density1.98 g/cm3
Melting Point776°C
SolubilitySoluble in water

In conclusion, potassium chloride is an essential salt that has a wide range of uses in industrial and pharmaceutical applications. Its ability to neutralize acids, regulate fluid balance, and provide a source of potassium make it a valuable ingredient in various products, and its importance as a dietary supplement highlights its importance for human health.


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