
Understanding Titanium Dioxide: Properties, Uses, and Technical Data

Formula: TiO2

Cas #: 13463-67-7

Product Information

Titanium dioxide is considered to be the best white pigment in the world. It is widely used in coatings, plastics, paper making, printing inks, chemical fiber, rubber, cosmetics, and other industries. Among them, plastic is the second largest user of titanium dioxide.
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  • Chemical formula: TiO2
  • Molecular weight: 79.87 g/mol
  • Melting point: 1,843°C
  • Boiling point: 2,972°C
  • Solubility in water: Insoluble
  • Density: 4.23 g/cm³
  • Refractive index: 2.76
  • Optical properties: high refractive index, excellent light-scattering properties
  • Uses: Cosmetics, food, construction materials, medical implants, dental applications, optical applications

Titanium dioxide is a naturally occurring mineral with the chemical formula TiO2. It is a white, opaque powder with excellent light-scattering properties and high refractive index, making it a widely used pigment in various industries such as cosmetics, food, and construction. In cosmetics, titanium dioxide is used as a sunscreen agent and pigment in makeup products. In the food industry, it is used as a whitening agent and food additive to enhance the texture of certain products. In construction, it is used as a pigment in paints, coatings, and concrete to improve durability and UV resistance.

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Apart from its uses, titanium dioxide is known for its safety and biocompatibility, making it suitable for use in medical implants and dental applications. It is also non-toxic and non-reactive, which adds to its versatility and wide range of applications.

Overall, understanding the properties and technical data of titanium dioxide is crucial to appreciate its various uses and benefits in different industries. Its unique properties make it a vital component in products that we use daily.

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